Can Couples Have Sex on the Sixth Day of Menstruation for Women?

      Regardless of whether they are male or female, couples in some situations indeed need to adjust their psychological and physical states by staying alive. However, unexpected situations may arise in some cases, even being influenced by some external factors, which make their sexual life unable to continue, such as women’s menstruation. During menstruation, women need good care for their bodies. So, can women return to normal life on the sixth day of menstruation?

      In fact, women have poor resistance during menstruation and are susceptible to some gynecological diseases. To ensure women’s physical and mental health, we should strictly prohibit couples from having sex during menstruation. However, for some young men and women, they have higher sexual needs. In some cases, they also want to have sexual activity during their physiological periods, which is impossible. Therefore, we will explain in detail the reasons to everyone.

      1. Cervix dilation during the menstrual period. Once the penis is inserted into the vagina during this period, it will cause female genital hematoma, increase menstrual flow, and lengthen the menstrual cycle.

      2. Menstruation may cause kidney deficiency and back pain in the future.

      3. During menstruation, male genital organs can bring pathogens into the female vagina. Menstrual blood is an excellent culture medium for bacteria and other microbiological bacteria, which can easily grow and spread along tiny wounds. It can infect the uterus wall, even penetrate into the uterus tube and pelvic organs, which in turn brings unnecessary inconvenience to women.

      4. Menstruation can also cause urethritis in boys if menstrual blood flows into the urethral orifice.

      5. During menstruation, walking can cause antibodies against sperm because when male sperm meets oxidized zinc oil on the uterus wall and splashing red blood cells, it may even enter the blood and cause immunological infertility and sterility.

      6. During menstruation, due to the contraction of the uterus when sexually aroused, fragments of the uterus wall can also squeeze into the pelvic cavity, leading to paroxysmal endometriosis and infertility.

      Now we should understand why sexual activity cannot be carried out during physiological periods. Having sex during menstruation can easily increase women’s menstrual flow, and many women suffer from serious conditions such as lumbar pain and abdominal pain on rainy days. Male genital organs are likely to bring in bacteria to the female vagina, and men may even cause urethritis.

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