Having sex once every few days is normal.

      If you are 30 years old, your sexual frequency should be 30 times 9, equivalent to 27 times, or 20 days 7 times. At 40 years old, your sexual frequency should be 40 times 9, equivalent to 36 times, or 30 days 6 times. These numbers are only for reference, and you should make your own decisions based on your own body standards. Do not harm your body.

      Generally speaking, young people can do it every day. As they get older, sexual frequency decreases. It’s recommended that they do it 3-4 times a week. For those aged 20-30, the recommendation is 2-3 times a week. For those aged 30-40, they can make their own decisions. Regular sexual activity between couples is beneficial for longevity, but too much can harm the body.

      It’s important not to mechanically demand a certain frequency of sexual activity in a marriage. It should be adjusted according to the specific situation of each other. If your partner is not consciously tired after sex, and still has a deep sense of love and high work enthusiasm, this means that sexual activity is appropriate. If symptoms such as lethargy, a heavy feeling, decreased appetite, dizziness, and shortness of breath occur after sex, it indicates that there has been too much and it should be controlled. Couples with a strong sexual desire are rare; they frequently engage in sexual activity but are still happy and energetic, which should be considered appropriate.

      If you don’t think about sex for a few days, you don’t need to make up for it. After sexual activity, if you experience mental exhaustion, listlessness, weakness all over the body, leg soreness and weakness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and decreased appetite, you should have some control. However, there is no need to worry. If you take a break, focus on rest, and improve your nutrition, it will not affect your physical and mental health.

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