What’s the Difference between Female Discharge and Male Semen?

      Secretions are a normal physiological phenomenon in females. Secretions are usually milky white, sticky, and reduce in amount before and after menstruation, while becoming more turbid and increasing in amount during ovulation. Male semen is a viscous compound produced by testes, which, when combined with a female egg, enables the woman to conceive. After sexual intercourse, the male ejaculates semen into the woman’s body. What is the difference between discharge and semen?

      1. Normal physiological secretions in females, known as discharge, are milky white or clear, with a sticky or egg white consistency, and without a fishy odor in small quantities. Due to the function of the pelvic floor muscles, the female vaginal opening is closed, and the anterior and posterior walls adhere to each other. The moisture in the secretion keeps the vagina moist. This natural humidity can minimize the friction between the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, and protect the vaginal walls from damage. Additionally, the moist environment lubricates the vagina and increases its plasticity, which is beneficial for improving the quality of sexual life.

      2. Physiological secretions: when reproductive system inflammation, such as vaginitis or acute cervicitis happens, the secretion increases significantly and changes in characteristic are called physiological secretions.

      Characteristics of semen:


      All normal semen appears gray-white or pale yellow, becoming transparent after vaporization and can become light yellow over time without ejaculation. If the semen appears light green, it might indicate that the male reproductive tract and/or accessory reproductive organs have inflammation (such as prostatitis or vesiculitis). If the semen is bright red (including bright red, light red, dark red, or bloody), it is highly suspected that the semen contains blood (ejaculatory bleeding). In patients after and with epididymitis, high number of blood cells make this condition diagnosable, and it can occasionally be seen in patients with tuberculosis or tumors.


      The smell of semen is caused by semen itself. Everything being normal, it has a musky odor. When a male’s prostate metabolism is damaged, the semen may lack this musky odor.

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