What are the symptoms of sexual coldness in girls?

      Whether it is a couple or lovers, a harmonious sex life can not only maintain their feelings, but also satisfy the physical needs of both men and women. However, some women realize that they are beginning to fear their intimate life, often feeling afraid and resistant when their partners want to engage in sexual activities. Currently, this situation needs to be handled with caution, as it is caused by sexual coldness and should not be taken lightly, as the damage can be severe.

      The main manifestations of sexual coldness include physiological and psychological symptoms. The main factors that cause physiological symptoms are insufficient sexual touching or pleasure, lack of vaginal lubrication or less vaginal secretion causing dryness, tightness, and pain, lack of sexual pleasure or inadequate, slow sexual pleasure, and slow metabolism of sexual excitement. The psychological symptoms are mainly fear, fatigue, and psychological rejection of sexual activity, psychological trauma caused by sexual activity, lack of awareness of sexual activity, lack of investment, and influence by old concepts and ideas, which make them passive and feel shame and impurity in sexual activity.

      It is worth noting that although these two levels of symptoms are interrelated, physiological factors play a decisive role. Once the physical symptoms of coldness reappear, women can gain great pleasure from sexual activities, especially with the continuous production of obvious happiness. Psychological symptoms will gradually be eliminated by the joyous bodily pleasure and create a good emotional dependence on sexual activity. By continuing happiness and expectations of psychological state, sexual coldness can be eliminated, making it possible for all normal women to truly enjoy the pleasure derived from the two ways of sexual happiness.

      Because a harmonious and happy sex life can give women the dual pleasure of body and mind, women with sexual coldness not only suffer from physical pain in a harmonious sexual relationship but also experience psychological torture. Physical pain causes fear in women, which then leads to reduced sexual activity and even avoidance of sexual activity. Scientific research shows that although women with sexual coldness are passive in sexual activity, vaginal and pelvic hematomas occur due to repeated elevation without release, and after sexual activity, they may have symptoms of depression, fatigue, and fullness in the lower abdomen. This situation can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, appendicitis, and other gynecologic inflammations. Women who reduce or avoid sexual activity because of sexual coldness are also at higher risk of showing symptom such as dull complexion, low intelligence, aging, accelerated femininity fragility and decay (vulvar shrinkage, uterine and ovarian atrophy, estrogen deficiency, breast shrinkage), early onset of diseases (early menopause), and high incidence of gynecologic disease, leading to reduced lifespan.

      The psychological obstacles faced by women with sexual coldness not only make them mentally exhausted, lack confidence, introverted, experience psychological ageing, self-esteem loss in daily life, pessimism, and other negative psychological behaviors, but also lead to husbands getting bored, resistance, lack of communication, unfamiliar feelings, and leading to marital breakdown, third-party interventions, and even family collapse as unfortunate consequences. According to folk statistics, about 50% of divorce cases are caused by disharmony between spouses.

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