What Happens When Your Period Comes to Bed with You?

      In fact, women are very sensitive, not only in their temperament, but also in their bodies. As for a woman’s intimate area, if they do not receive proper medical care, they may easily become ill. Especially during the special period of my aunt’s visit, I need a lot of love. During menstruation, can you come home? If the house is sensitive to women, what harm does it pose to the body?

      The Hazards of Sexual Activity During Menstruation

      Menstruation is a unique physiological phenomenon in women. During this period, various parts of the body undergo some changes, among which the most prominent is the decrease in the regulation of body fluid in the cerebral cortex, and the body’s resistance is worse than usual. In the reproductive organs, the uterine wall sheds blood, the cervix protrudes, and the acidity in the vagina decreases, weakening the natural barrier. If sexual intercourse occurs between husband and wife during menstruation, the following adverse effects may occur.

      1. Due to each other’s excitement, the insertion of the penis leads to blood stasis in the female reproductive organs, leading to increased menstrual flow and prolonged menstrual cycle.

      2. At this time, sexual activity and male reproductive organs can bring pathogens into the female vagina. Menstruation is an excellent culture medium for pathogens and other bacteria and microbes. Pathogens are easy to grow, spread along the uterine wall at many small blood vessels and other injuries, infecting the uterine wall, and may even invade the bilateral fallopian tubes and pelvic organs, causing unnecessary inconvenience to women.

      3. Menstruation must enter the male urethral opening, which can also cause uremic inflammation.

      4. During menstrual sexual activity, the sperm of the male can meet the splashed red blood cells in the uterine wall oxidized zinc oil, and even enter the blood, which can cause anti-sperm antibodies, leading to immune infertility and infertility.

      5. During menstruation, due to uterine contractions during sexual arousal, fragments of the uterine wall can also be squeezed into the pelvis, causing paroxysmal endometriosis and infertility.

      Therefore, for the sake of each other’s bodies and future, regardless of the circumstances, sexual activity during the physiological cycle should be strictly prohibited.

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