What if the sexual desire time is short?

      Normally, sexual intercourse should last for about 20 minutes to half an hour, which is the most regular and normal. However, many people have relatively short sexual intercourse time. In this case, do not use drugs indiscriminately. You can use some professional Chinese medicine to adjust and check the cause of the short sexual desire.

      Currently, there are many oral liquids, capsules, wet towels, and sprays on the market that can prolong sexual intercourse time, but these drugs can only temporarily solve emergency situations and cannot fundamentally solve premature ejaculation problems. In order to treat premature ejaculation, it is necessary to treat it dialectically and formulate the correct medication based on the causes of premature ejaculation and different physiological symptoms. Treatment methods for premature ejaculation caused by kidney deficiency (lower back pain, leg pain, dizziness, tinnitus, memory loss, hair loss, special fatigue after sexual intercourse), elemental yang deficiency (low intelligence, cold body, and dryness) should vary according to the severity of the condition.

      For the lack of interest caused by sexual frigidity, difficulty in erection, unstable erection, softening of the middle yang, and short sexual intercourse time due to kidney essence resulting in premature ejaculation, “Wisdom Spirit No. 2” treatment should be adopted according to the severity of the condition, which can be cured. For penis sensory neuropathy, wet itching, odor, and difficult-to-treat respiratory tract, which belong to damp-heat premature ejaculation, the “Electromagnetic Wave Drug Penetration Function Therapeutic Apparatus” can be used externally to remove penis toxins, and “Stop-Healing Spirit 3” can be used to remove whole-body damp-heat toxins. Treatment for 1-2 courses according to the severity of the condition can cure and cut the root.

      When the kidney qi is weak, the empty fire invades the penis, or the heat toxin invades, the temperature can be felt slightly higher than the normal skin temperature before the penis erection, and there is fever, erection, and ejaculation. This is caused by premature ejaculation due to overheated toxins.

      When the kidney qi is not strong, the function of fixing the sperm is out of control due to the short sexual intercourse time, leaving behind sperm, slippery sperm, feces, and feces. In this case, “Emergency Fixing Sperm Essence” should be used. Adopting a routine sperm process, taking 2 courses of slippery sperm, and 3 courses of bowel movement can cure the root fracture.

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