Why Is Semen Yellow?

      Men must pay attention to their reproductive health and understand the color of their semen. Generally, if male semen is accompanied by a yellowish hue, it is abnormal and a major manifestation of inflammation in the reproductive system, such as common prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, and so on.

      The reasons for semen turning yellow are as follows:

      Inflammation of the reproductive system. If the sex life is normal, and the semen continues to turn yellow, it indicates inflammation of the reproductive system, which is most likely prostatitis or seminal vesiculitis. If left untreated, it can affect the quality of semen and even lead to infertility. Abnormal semen includes sperm that appears milky white or light green, which indicates inflammation of the reproductive system, which may be purulent infection of the male prostate and seminal vesicle. If semen is bright red, it means that semen is mixed with blood cells, also known as ejaculation bleeding. Ejaculation bleeding is mainly caused by seminal vesiculitis or prostatitis. This type of ejaculation bleeding caused by inflammation is usually dark red. If small blood vessels rupture due to vascular abnormalities, the ejaculation bleeding is red, and blood clots can be seen.

      The reason for the change in semen color to yellow:

      It takes a long time to quit smoking. The color of semen is determined by the composition of the substances that make up the semen. Semen is composed of male sperm and seminal fluid. Male sperm accounts for only a small proportion, with more than 90% being seminal fluid. Seminal fluid is metabolized from the male prostate, seminal vesicle gland, urethral bulb, and paraganglia. The main components are water, human fat, protein particles, melanin particles, phospholipid bodies, enzymes, glucose, etc. The semen of ordinary people is grayish-white or slightly yellow. If the abstinence period is long, the color tone will turn yellow due to the changes in physical and chemical properties. All of this is normal.

      The cause of semen turning yellow:

      Abnormal sperm may also be one of the reasons why semen turns yellow. Sperm abnormalities exceed 20% during ejaculation, including abnormalities in the head, body, tail, or a combination of head and body.

      The cause of semen turning yellow:

      Part of the reason for the yellowing of sperm is sperm aggregation, which occurs when male sperm self-coagulates due to the presence of sperm antibodies. According to sperm aggregation tests and sexual activity tests, sperm aggregation must be distinguished from non-volatile seminal vesicle glands as the cause of yellowing of semen.

      In fact, the yellowing of semen is not necessarily the main manifestation of a disease because individual health conditions vary. Therefore, the situation is relatively normal, and we hope that everyone will not be afraid of themselves. However, some reasons are due to pathological conditions, so attention is required. After analyzing the reasons for semen turning yellow, we hope that you will identify any abnormal conditions and immediately seek medical attention.

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