What Causes Abdominal Pain After Sex?

      Sex is supposed to be a joyful experience, but some people can experience abdominal pain after sex. This problem can be caused by different factors such as intense sex, prolonged sex, gynecological inflammation, prostate stimulation, and stress. If the pain persists for a long period, it is crucial to seek medical attention.

      1. Intense Sex

      During sex, the strong contractions of the penis inside the vagina can stimulate the pelvic organs of women, sometimes causing shortness of breath and random contractions. However, pain can occur due to the hidden contractions during sex.

      2. Prolonged Sex

      Some young men and women have strong sexual desire or use special drugs which cause prolonged sex, leading to continuous contractions of the uterus and resulting in abdominal bloating and pain.

      3. Gynecological Inflammation

      Gynecological inflammation is one of the primary causes of abdominal pain after sex. Common gynecological inflammations include appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, and so on. These inflammations can cause inflammation of the uterus and result in pain during sex.

      4. Prostate Stimulation

      Male semen contains prostaglandins, which when entering the vagina, stimulate the uterus contractions and cause abdominal pain in women.

      5. Stress and Pressure

      The female urethra and bladder bottom are located near the vagina, uterus, and adnexa. They are easily affected by external pressure and biological factors, such as pelvic organ inflammation, congestion, tissue contraction, or spasm, which can cause abdominal pain.

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